Bemax donated 800,000 euros for a new park in Tološi: Built basketball courts, trim track and bar, playground… | Zvanični sajt kompanije Bemax Zvanični sajt kompanije Bemax



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Bemax donated 800,000 euros for a new park in Tološi: Built basketball courts, trim track and bar, playground…

The construction of a sports and recreational park in Tološka šuma, in Podgorica, is coming to an end, and in seven or eight days that zone will be open to all visitors and sports fans.

Civil engineering coordinator Jovana Vuksanović, on behalf of Bemax, told CdM that the construction of the park, worth 800,000 euros, is being donated by that company.

“The complex will be a modern sports and recreational park that will provide our fellow citizens with more different activities. On an area of ​​30,000 square meters, two basketball courts were built, a trim track, a two-way bike path, a pedestrian path, street workout stations with exercise equipment, a trim bar, and a playground for children, ”Vuksanović said.

Benches, trash cans, bicycle parking and fountains will be installed.

“On the basketball courts, a special professional surface is being installed, which suffers from high and low temperatures and which is resistant to moisture. Also, the installation of tartan on the trim track is in progress. The two-way bike path is completed and is red. The footpath is materialized with gravel of adequate granulation “, adds Vuksanović.

As he points out, in the coming days, a complex will be landscaped within which he will sow grass and plant a large number of new seedlings of plants.

“The complex is lit by state-of-the-art lighting, so its use is possible regardless of the time of day,” says the lordinator for civil engineering at Bemax.

The trim bar is a ground floor open-type facility, with a terrace with a capacity of 55 seats and will not serve alcoholic beverages.

“Right next to the trim bar, a space for the youngest has been built, on which a tartan base and children’s devices will be placed. The entire complex is fenced and accessible from five entrances, and interested visitors will be able to use it for free. Therefore, it is important to note that entry will not be charged for leisure activities. The payment will be made for the use of the field in the evening under the spotlights and in the case of organizing a tournament “, concludes Vuksanović.