

A company that builds Montenegro


Fabrika Asfalta

Tip-Model: Polumobilno asfaltno postrojenje tip ECO

Plants are designed as blocks of fabricated members for easy transport by trucks or by rail.

Each element of block is designed for quick installation without the need of fixed foundations. Elements are previously equipped with electrical conductors for quick connection of a plug and a socket with fully computerized control system.

Providing optimum production with maximal efficiency, minimal impact on the environment and providing exceptional value class BENNINGHOVEN ECO IS CERTAINLY THE FIRST CHOICE.

Capacity: 200 t/h

Configuration of mixer tower

5 benches of sieve
25-60 t silo for hot compound capacity in 4-6 silos
Measuring cell of aggregate, bitumen and filler
Insulated double shaft of spade mixerCapacity 1.000 – 3.000 kgGravimetric granulation system
Storehouse of mixed material mounted or beneath a mixer or an inclined hopper
No compromise with the expected high standards of design and craftsmanship BENNINGHOVEN, this class fills a niche between fully mobile plant and fixed installations.

Section for cold batching
Block for cold batching with 4 silos is delivered to site on standard semi-trailer. Each bunker is equipped with belt feeder of variable speed and collection conveyor is an integral part. The entire section is equipped with electrical conductors with a plug and a socket for quick electric connection.

Section for sieve
Includes 4-6 BENCHES OF SIEVE AS A STANDARD WITH Bypass SIEVE arrangemenT.

Two vibrating motors mounted outside sieve casing allow high temperature of compounds and production of asphalt mastic.

Front part of a sieve is on the rails because of easy changes of net. The sieve level is equipped with flexible fence.

Section for hot stone
Total capacity of 30t or 64t in 6 isolated silos with indication of the level and temperature probe in a silo for sand.

Section for weighing and compound
Sections for weighing of aggregate, bitumen and filler are mounted cells with gravitational batching to double shaft of spade mixer.

Section of 2 containers:

  • Section for weighing and compound
  • Section for unloading, hot stone stock

Silo for mixed material storage
Silos for mixed material storage are also manufactured in the dimensions of container according to ISO and can be mounted either below mixer section or for lower levels of plant, equipped with a hoist and a hopper.

Silo for storage below the plant can be expanded with additional sections at a later stage.